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Work Injury Treatment

Work Injury Treatment in The Woodlands

A worker got into a work related injury

If you are looking for work injury treatment in The Woodlands, it would be our pleasure to help you. We are Core Health Spine & Rehabilitation, and we are always available to help you with an injury at work. We know that if you suffer an injury while on the job, you want to get back to work as quickly as possible. We can help you do exactly that. Learn more about the services we offer below, and reach out to our team to schedule an appointment.

Common Injuries in the Workplace

There are a number of common workplace injuries that people suffer. Some of the workplace injury examples you might suffer include:

A worker slip and fall from the ladder while working

Fall Accidents

If you slip and fall in the workplace, you could suffer serious injuries. For example, you might suffer a serious head injury if you strike your head on the ground. Or, if you fall from a great height, you could suffer a bone fracture. We have the training and experience necessary to address fall accidents, and our goal is to put you in the best position possible to recover.

Repetitive Motion Injuries

If you perform repetitive motions at work, you could suffer a repetitive motion injury. This could place a lot of stress on your ligaments and tendons, making it hard for you to continue to do your job. For example, you might develop carpal tunnel syndrome developing pain in your wrists and hands if you sit at the computer and type all day. We could help you diagnose and treat repetitive motion injuries, putting you in the best possible position to recover.


Finally, you may also develop an overexertion issue. You might not realize just how much stress you put on your body on a daily basis, particularly your back. If you feel a bit stiff and sore, we can help you overcome this issue with a treatment plan that can limit possible complications and side effects. Count on our team to help you recover from this type of injury.

These are just a few of the many injuries that we can treat. At Core Health Spine & Rehabilitation, we will take the time to properly diagnose and treat your injuries. We can even help you if you are receiving worker's compensation.

The Woodlands Chiropractor for Work Injuries

A man suffering from work related injury go to see a chiropractor

At Core Health Spine & Rehabilitation, we have a wide variety of chiropractic treatment options that we can use to help you recover. For example, we can use adjustments to make sure your spine is properly aligned, which will put your body in the best position possible to recover naturally. Or, we can use physical therapy to strengthen certain parts of the body to provide support for your ligaments and tendons, reducing your chances of suffering a future injury. 

We will customize your treatment plan to meet your needs, and this has made us one of the most trusted names in the field. Furthermore, we always take the time to address any questions or concerns you might have before we get started. Our goal is to help you recover while also limiting any possible complications or side effects.

Chiropractic Care for Work Injuries

If you are looking for help with work injury treatment in The Woodlands, we are always here to help you. At Core Health Spine & Rehabilitation, we always put the needs of our patients ahead of our own, and we can do the same for you. We have same-day appointments available, and we accept the vast majority of insurance plans, which should make it easier for you to afford the care you need.

We understand that you do not expect to get hurt when you go to work, but we are here to help you if you are involved in an accident. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment with a chiropractor from our team.

With chiropractic care, physical therapy, and pain management under one roof, we offer the most direct path to healing for everyone—including speciality services for babies, children, and pregnant moms.

10845 Kuykendahl Rd #102, The Woodlands, TX 77382 281-364-2673

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